
Hello everyone!
Today I am writing a  new post based on mobile learning and digital competence for education.
I will explain it later.
I attended some days ago to a  live webinar. It was really interesting.
The webinar was given by our teacher, María Jesús and it was organised by the Institut de Formación Contínua -IL Universitat de Catalunya.
If you want to receive more information, click here .
The conference was intended for teachers and it was related to the digital competence and how to cope and use it as teachers.
Other students were attending to the webinar at the same time. That students were from the Universitat of Barcelona , in the last link you can find all the information about their Postgrado.

Maria Jesus explained us different information and things related to the use of digital competence, the importance of technology in schools. As teachers from the twenty first century is really important to be aware of the digital competence for the process of teaching.

In the conference Maria Jesus told us about different on line courses. All of them were  designed by all the professionals working in INTEF, they are really interesting so if you want to obtain more detailed information, click here .

Now, I would like to mention an important document for teachers, it is the Common Digital Competence framework for teachers.  (CDCFT) it is a very useful tool to improve digital competence as teachers. As our teachers said in the conference, teachers have several opportunities to obtain and assess their won level of digital competence and the importance of improving it through the use of different apps. The Common Digital Competence framework for teachers has six levels  (A1,A2,B1,B2,C1 and C2).

Different ways to achieve a good level of digital competence were presented in the conference. Here you can find the names of some of them:

  • Edupills : it is a free app intended for IOS or Android that offers some educational courses for teachers who want to improve quickly their digital competence. You can use it whenever you want. The main objective of this app is to motivate teachers to use ICTs in their classrooms.

  • INTEF NOOC: it is online. the duration of this type o course is at least three hours. With this course, people do not receive a certification but they receive badges. You can find the materials available whenever you want.  IN each NOOC courses you will find the information about the course, a general description, the objectives, the requirements... The courses are free!!!!!!

  • INTEF MOOC:the duration of this type of courses are between 4-5 weeks. As in the INTEF NOOC you do not receive a certification but you receive a digital badge.  The courses are free also. In each MOOC courses you will find information about the course,a general description, the objectives, the requirements. Once the course has finished, the materials will be available.

  • INTEF SPOOC: On the other hand, these courses are always open. They have not a limit of time.

  • DIGITAL PORTFOLIO:  This is designed for teachers too. Teachers can check their improvements through continuous self-assessment. Here you can share your opinions and read the opinion of other people. Also you can share your abilities using ICTS. this tool is really interesting. Some people make different questions related to this course so maybe you can read the questions here .

I found the conference really interesting because it gave us some ideas to improve our digital competence. I understand the importance of having a good digital competence level  nowadays.
I think that one of the most important thing of these courses are that in some of them, we can assess our progress.

We did the conference, as I told you before, with  other group of students and some of them asked some questions related to the topic of digital competence, the questions were  answered and they helped us to have a deeper knowledge about the topic.

To be honest, if I had to choose one of the courses I chose Edupillars, because sometimes I find a little bit difficult the digital compentece´s world but I know that it is really important.
I will improve step by step.

All the information sounds really interesting, isn´t it? 

Here you can find the web page where the conference was held. Click in the link : Webex
I hope you like it!
See you!


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