Sports in a school radio!

Hello everyone!

Today I will present you a very useful tool that I discovered some hours ago.

I have been working on a project and I really love it. It is really interesting. For this reason I decided to carry out this activity with my students at school.
Do you want to know what it is?
It is a podcast!
It is a digital audio that you can create talking about different things. I chose sporting events!
I created my own podcast with the computer but there are apps to create podcasts using mobile phones.

I did it using Soundcloud 

For me, it was not really easy because to be honest, I never did it before.
Soundcloud is a digital and free tool that was created to collect music or record diffrent podcasts in an organised way.
First of all you have to create an account. After that, you can upload everything as you want an organise them in fields.
It is free and on line . I did it using the computed but if you prefer yu can do it with other gadgets such as mobile phones or Ipads.

For both, teachers and students it is a very meaningful tool because it catches
 students´attention and they will be so motivated to record.
This tool is very useful, as I said before I have never used it , so I had to watch different  short videos to learn how to use it. Finally I got it!

Using ICTS in class is really important because students use technology during their daily lifes, but we, as teachers must know how to use it. For this reason, when I had to create an audio project, the first thing that I thought was: Ok, it is true that technlogy motivates to our students but I have to choose a topic that they engage them.

I was thinking a long time about what topic I could choose, and finally I decided sporting events because most of students love sports and also because it is really important that they start talking in public about events.
During the academic year, each Monday, one of the students will explain a famous sporting event and their reasons to talk about it.
I want that they improve their speaking and writing skills so I think that it is the best way to do it.
Also doing this activity they will develop creativity and imagination.

To start carrying out the activity I created a document where I started to write and modify ideas.

You can read it here:

After creating the document I recorded my podcast where I said welcome to my students and I gave them an example of sporting event.

I hope you like it !
You can fnd my profile here 
In the first podcast you can listen to the description of the project.
In the second one you can listen my own experience during the Final World Cup.
In the last podcast you can listen a playlist.

See you!


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