Do you want to share your experience?

Hi everyone!
Welcome again to a new post. I am so happy to be able to share with you  a great experience!
Do you want to know more about what the new post is about? Let´s keep reading!
As yo know every person has a story, so I think that it is a good idea to share it with the rest of the people. With " THE WORLD IS MY AUDIENCE", people can share their own stories by recording themselves. Do you want to get more information about it? click here 

If you want to participate you have to download an app called: Flipgrid. With this app you can record a video telling the story that you want to share with the rest of the people.
You can speak about the story you want in five minutes or less!
With the hastag #Twima8 you will find people telling their stories in a social network Twitter ! It sounds amazing... isn´t it? Through Twima8 you can be connected with the rest of stories. Click here to see them.

Twima has been launched by a teacher   : who has been able to gather teachers with their students, and all through spreading the word in social networks.

This social network  Flipgrid allows both students and teachers to share and  to interact through videos with other people.
The main goal of this tool is to interact and  to share experiences with other students in a very creative way.
This app is free and you can find it for IOS and for Android. You only have to record yourself as many times as you need.
This application is really easy to use and it is very interesting to see how quickly we can interact with people from other countries.

To be honest, it is the first time that I do something like that and I really love it!
I like to share my experience and to listen other people experiences.
I have learnt new things about my classmates.

This collaborative project will improve our communicative skills in a very creative way, for this reason, carrying out this type of activity in the classroom will be a good idea in order to enhance our students´communication.
Also, this project give us the oppotunity of sharing and knowing different and amazing experiences.
So as you can see, there are many advantages.... but are the any disadvantages?
Well, in my opnion I think that not everyone likes to speak in public, but through this collaborative project I am sure that they will love it.

Thanks to this project I listened to so many  amazing stories!

In my video I talk about my experience abroad one summer.  This app gives me the opportunity to share my story with the rest of the world.
Here you can fnd my video:

In the case you cannot access click here 
And here you can find people who loves to participate in this amazing project.

Here you can see my own account on Twitter.

I hope you like it!
See you :)


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