Micromachism ...videoclip!

Hi everyone!
Do you remember our work called Micromachism?
Some days ago you could read the information about our new project.
We decided to talk about micromachism... it sounds really interesting...isn´t it?
Well, if you want to check all the information that we wrote in our Google Drive Doc you can click here .

Some days ago all of the students of the Master in Bilingualism visited the "Future Classroom Lab" and it was a great experience for us. Can you imagine being in a Future classroom Lab? It was amazing.
We developed our Chroma project there, we had to record several times until everything was correct.
All the members of my group were working so hard in order to get a great work!
We recorded several videos so after that we had to put them together.
We used Movavi in order to mix all the videos and add the photos of the background. All the backgrounds were caught from Pixabay . We caught the photos from this page because we have to respect the authorship.
Once all the videos have the backgrounds we put them together using Movie maker, this program is free and  it  is usually installed on computer. But in the case that you do not have it and you want to get it, click here 

We live in a society where the machism is evident. For  this reason we decided to do a project based on that.
Children must be aware of  right and wrong attitudes in our society, for this reason we will show them our video, with the purpose that they will realise that all  situations presented in the video are common during our life and all of them contain machism.

This video is intended for 6th graders.
The main objectives of this video are:

  • To make our students aware of what is machism.
  • To develop their communicative and cognitive skills through debates or opinions.
  • To develop cultural awareness.
  • To improve their drama techniques.
  • To improve their behaviour.
After watching the video, students will answer different questions related to the topic of the video.

Now you can watch the video. I hope you like it. :) Video 

This type of activities motivate students, fort his reason we tougtht that the best option in order to show them the machism was to create a video where all these situation were watched.
It is not difficutl to use it, only you need patient.
See you!


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