Machism? In 21st century?

Hi everyone!

Today, I am writing this post which is the most important for me. You are probably wondering why?

If you are really interested, continue reading!

Last month, we could observe different feminist demonstrations in different countries. You probably did not know the reason why women were in the streets shouted and singing.
In our society, a twenty first century society, women are living with the machism.
Now, I am going to explain you what is the meaning of this word.

Machism is a thought or attitude that maintains that men are better than women.
In our society we can observe machism in advertisements, music, books or movies.

For this reason, we decided to create a video intended for children. In this video they can see different situations of machism nowadays.
All of us thought that it is really important that children can observe this type of behaviour in society in order to make them aware of the importance of equality and respect today. It is very important that children can see as soon as possible every problems that we can find based on non-respect.

The situations that we are going to represent are the following ones:

  • songs
  • movies
  • society
  • dad a day conversations
After thinking we created a document in Google Drive where we can write and edit the ideas. You can read it here:

What are the goals that we want to achieve ?:
  • To make our students aware of what is machism.
  • To develop their communicative and cognitive skills through debates or opinions.
  • To develop cultural awareness.
  • To improve their drama techniques.
  • To improve their behaviour.
I hope you like this work as much as I do.
You will see the video very soon.

Bye bye!


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