It is coming to an end....

Hi everyone!

I am here to say goodbye. Our adventure is coming to an end but before saying bye bye I want to share with you different things that I have learnt.

We started the subject creating our own learning journal. To introduce ourselves we created an avatar , I created it using Voki. It is an on line and free tool.

Blogger is a great tool. It is very easy to use and I used to write all my experiences during the course and also to give my opinion of the different tasks. To self reflect my own learning. Now people can check my progress whenever they want.

After that, we added a Creative Commons Attribution- Non-Commercial-Share Alike4.0 International License  to the blogs.

We learnt also how important is to respect  copyrights and to cite and attribute and license all the images we use. It is really important and in my opinion, is one of the most important things we have to teach to students.
Since that day I use images from Pixabay , here you can find a lot of images or pictures with license ready to use them !

Also we learnt to filter, organise and curate information.The tool that I chose was Pinterest. I selected this tool because for me it was the easiest one and I usually use it when I want new ideas of activities to do in class. But there are other tools such as Symbaloo or Pearltrees .

The next task was to create a twitter account. It was really easy because most of us had one. I really love this activity because all the classmates had to work cooperatively in order to create a Tiny story.
Here you can find my own account.

After sharing experiences and reading our Tiny story, we discovered different apps to create slideshows . For me it is really useful because  I used to use PowerPoint because of I did not know other tools.  I used Genially. I did a slideshow related to women in science and it was really interesting. It is very easy to use it and this tool can help you to improve your oral presentations because of its creativity.

The topic five was really interesting because we learnt :

  • Comics: I used StoryBoardThat and it is very easy to use. It is a good idea to create comics in order to represent feelings or emotions in a digital way. You ca choose from a wide range of characters, backgrounds or objects. It is a wonderful resource in order to encourage students to read and write stories in a foreign language.

  • Mind map: I used Coogle . Through this tool I created a project in a very organised and colourful way. This task made me realise about the importance of presenting works in a very clear way. I decided to use this tool because for me it was the easiest one but you can choose from a wide variety. For example: Creately  or Mindmeister 

  • Infographic: I used Piktochart .I really love this resource because you can present content in a more visual and organised way. I am sure that during my life I will use it.

As you can read , this topic was so large, but it was worth it. 

After that, we started the next topic, topic number six, it was about podcast. We were working on how to record audios and play lists in order to create a radio project. I am sure that I will use it in classroom.
It sound amazing, isn´t it? Well, first of all, you have to create an account on Soundcloud for example. It is the easiest for me, for this reason I recommend you this tool.
I created a welcome audio, I explained the project and I added a play list. I will encourage my students to participate in the activities.

After spending time with audios, we created a video based on micro machism in order to students know what is the meaning of machism and in how many situation of our daily routines we can find it.
After creating the storyboard, we went to the Future Classroom Lab to work with chroma. I never did it before but I like the experience. It was great.
We recorded the videos and we used different apps to edit the videos.
Since we are talking about videos.... what do you think about sharing your experience?
It is a cooperative project called #Twima8 The World Is My Audience  people can share their own stories around the world using Flipgrid

Also we attended to a Webinar . It was given by our teacher, Maria Jesús , in her profile of twitter you can check more information about her work. In this conference we learnt some of the possibilities that digital competence offers us. With INTEF we can improve our digital competence.

And my last task is about the final project.
I created the following video with Powtoon. I never use it but it offers a lot of templates, characters and tracks. I decided to record myself but you only can record for 20 seconds per slide. I tried to reflect everything that we have done at class and everything that we have learnt. 

Here, you can read a tweet while I was working on my final project.

Now ICTS are more important  for me than before, and I want to teach my students all these tools that I have learnt. They are really important in the process of teaching and learning.
Thank you Maria Jesus for the patience and to my classmates for their kindness and good vibes during this academic year!


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