Today, I want to share with you a great tool that I discovered to create comics:
But you can use other websites as:

First of all, I will describe you very briefly how to use this tool,  the first thing you have to do is to create an account and write a tittle. After that, you have to select how many bullets  you want. When you have chosen the bullets, you have to select the background and you have several options such as: indoor, outdoor, at school, in the park...
With this tool you have the opportunity to choose if you want to write very briefly a short description or not.
Once you have writen the tittle , you will find several options such as:

  • Characters: you have a wide variety of characters like people with different ages, sex or jobs, famous people or mythical charcaters. These characters can have different movements, hair or skin color, gestures ...
  • Text: you can select the type of speech bubble that you prefer and different types of letters.
  • Image: You can choose different photographs from the internet to include them in your comic.
  • Colour: you can select the color of all the objects you want.
After I have explained the main characteristics of this tool, I will talk about my personal experience. At the beginning I was completely lost. I had to see a video in youtube that helped me to understand how to use this tool. It is a free tool so you can use it whenever you want.
This website is free and it is very useful and safe for our students but it is a little bit difficult for our students to learn how to use it.
It is really important that students use technology in class, but the youngest students do not know how to use a computer properly. For this reason, I think that the best option is to use this webpage with fourth or fifth graders.

It is a good tool for our students in order to express their feelings and emotions. Also, it is important because they will develop the artistic sense.

The most highlighted feature of this website is that despite being free it offers you a wide range of possibilities.

For our students it  is really important to study in a significant way, so they have to search different options or tools that make their study time useful.

Here, you can see my own comic. I hope you like it.

Hecho con


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