
Showing posts from April, 2018

Do you want to share your experience?

Hi everyone! Welcome again to a new post. I am so happy to be able to share with you  a great experience! Do you want to know more about what the new post is about? Let´s keep reading! As yo know every person has a story, so I think that it is a good idea to share it with the rest of the people. With " THE WORLD IS MY AUDIENCE", people can share their own stories by recording themselves. Do you want to get more information about it? click here  If you want to participate you have to download an app called:  Flipgrid . With this app you can record a video telling the story that you want to share with the rest of the people. You can speak about the story you want in five minutes or less! With the hastag #Twima8 you will find people telling their stories in a social network Twitter ! It sounds amazing... isn´t it? Through Twima8 you can be connected with the rest of stories. Click here to see them. Twima has been launched by a teacher    : who has been able to gather

Micromachism ...videoclip!

Hi everyone! Do you remember our work called Micromachism? Some days ago you could read the information about our new project. We decided to talk about micromachism... it sounds really interesting...isn´t it? Well, if you want to check all the information that we wrote in our Google Drive Doc you can click here  . Some days ago all of the students of the Master in Bilingualism visited the "Future Classroom Lab" and it was a great experience for us. Can you imagine being in a Future classroom Lab? It was amazing. We developed our Chroma project there, we had to record several times until everything was correct. All the members of my group were working so hard in order to get a great work! We recorded several videos so after that we had to put them together. We used Movavi  in order to mix all the videos and add the photos of the background. All the backgrounds were caught from Pixabay  . We caught the photos from this page because we have to respect the a


Hello everyone! Today I am writing a  new post based on mobile learning and digital competence for education. I will explain it later. I attended some days ago to a  live webinar. It was really interesting. The webinar was given by our teacher, María Jesús  and it was organised by the Institut de Formación Contínua -IL Universitat de Catalunya. If you want to receive more information, click here  . The conference was intended for teachers and it was related to the digital competence and how to cope and use it as teachers. Other students were attending to the webinar at the same time. That students were from the Universitat of Barcelona  , in the last link you can find all the information about their Postgrado. Maria Jesus explained us different information and things related to the use of digital competence, the importance of technology in schools. As teachers from the twenty first century is really important to be aware of the digital competence for the process of teaching.

Sports in a school radio!

Hello everyone! Today I will present you a very useful tool that I discovered some hours ago. I have been working on a project and I really love it. It is really interesting. For this reason I decided to carry out this activity with my students at school. Do you want to know what it is? It is a podcast! It is a digital audio that you can create talking about different things. I chose sporting events! I created my own podcast with the computer but there are apps to create podcasts using mobile phones. I did it using  Soundcloud  For me, it was not really easy because to be honest, I never did it before. Soundcloud is a digital and free tool that was created to collect music or record diffrent podcasts in an organised way. First of all you have to create an account. After that, you can upload everything as you want an organise them in fields. It is free and on line . I did it using the computed but if you prefer yu can do it with other gadgets such as mobile

Machism? In 21st century?

Hi everyone! Today, I am writing this post which is the most important for me. You are probably wondering why? If you are really interested, continue reading! Last month, we could observe different feminist demonstrations in different countries. You probably did not know the reason why women were in the streets shouted and singing. In our society, a twenty first century society, women are living with the machism. Now, I am going to explain you what is the meaning of this word. Machism is a thought or attitude that maintains that men are better than women. In our society we can observe machism in advertisements, music, books or movies. For this reason, we decided to create a video intended for children. In this video they can see different situations of machism nowadays. All of us thought that it is really important that children can observe this type of behaviour in society in order to make them aware of the importance of equality and respect today. It is v


Today, I want to share with you a great tool that I discovered to create comics: But you can use other websites as: First of all, I will describe you very briefly how to use this tool,  the first thing you have to do is to create an account and write a tittle. After that, you have to select how many bullets  you want. When you have chosen the bullets, you have to select the background and you have several options such as: indoor, outdoor, at school, in the park... With this tool you have the opportunity to choose if you want to write very briefly a short description or not. Once you have writen the tittle , you will find several options such as: Characters: you have a wide variety of characters like people with different ages, sex or jobs, famous people or mythical charcaters. These characters can have different movements, hair or skin color, gestures ... Text: you can select t