Mind map

Hi again! Today, I would like to show you my mind map. It is intended for sixth graders.
It is really important that children know different cultures, for this reason, I created this project.
I have used this tool. It is free. https://coggle.it/  but there are other tools to create mind maps such as:
In my opinion, using this mind map you can see in  a more clear way how the project is going to be. I show in a very briefly way the activities that children are going to do per day. Moreover, using mind maps helps teacher to organise their ideas when they want to develop a project in class.
If you are interesting in creating different mind maps I will explain you how this tool works.
First of all you have to create your own account. It is completely free.
After that, you have to write the title and the main points of your mind map. Later, you can start writing all the information you want.
It is a very useful tool and it is very easy to use.
What I really like about this tool is that you can add all the information you want in a very tidy way. It is very colourful so depending on the point  that you are reading you will find the information with different colours.
I think this is a great tool even for the students to organise their ideas. They can use it to study in a better way.
But.. there is one disadvantage related with this tool, it is very limited because you have to pay if you want to select other colours.
When I searching on the Internet different web pages to create mind maps I found it and I liked it.
Moreover, this tool allow me to learn how to improve myself when I have to organise a class ( games, activities, contents...) .
You can see my mind map related to different countries of the  EU.
First of all we are going  to do a brainstorming and all students can participate.

Secondly, in groups they will elaborate a map to learn where the capital of each country is located.
As we know, cooperation is really important so students will work in groups.
After that, students will create a Power Point to use technology in class based on typical aspects of the countries.

Later, they will make a model based on the most important monument in each country, so as you can see,  it is cross- curricular because we can work geography, arts and crafts and technology at the same time.

Finally, in groups students will elaborate a mural to show the most representative animals and vegetation of each country.
At the end of the project, students will have learnt different things related to some countries of the EU.

I hope you like it!!


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