Useful tool!

Hi everyone!

As you know I am a teacher and I come from the future so I can tell you some useful tools in order to do teaching easier.

Here, children go to school really happy and motivated because they love learning and all innovative things that we do.
The students are the center of  their own learning.
In my opinion, we, as teachers must teach  our students different important things that motivate them.
As professionals we are aware that not all children have the same rhythm of learning, for this reason, the transmission of knowledge in a clear and visual way is very important.
There are several webs to present the content in a more visual way.
I have chosen Pinterest to create a content curation tool because I found it really useful and visual for me and for the children. Here you can check this tool
But  you can use other tools such as :

You only have to search on the net Pinterest and create a profile, there you will find several new ideas  related to study natural science, social science, maths, or you can also find  things related to do in your free time. It is a great tool to create a bank of resources or to get innovative ideas.
I have chosen the planets because it is a topic that really interests to our students. You can do a lot of displays. in addition to this, the planets appear in the curriculum.
If you want to check my profile, here you find my account.


Bye bye!


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