Taking care of the environment!

Photograph by RitaE  CC0 Creative Commons
Photograph by byrev CC0 Creative Commons

Hey! I have chosen this topic because people are not aware of the need to take  care of the environment.
I think that for children is most important to know how to protect animals and plants instead of naming different animals or types of plants or trees.
In my opinion, some years ago, people took care of the nature better than now, for this reason, I think that  is very important that students receive in their classes information about the importance of having a clean environment.
I would start the class asking the students if they know what the word pollution means.
After the brainstorming I would ask them different questions such as:
Do you think that these images are from Spain?
Why do you think these places are so dirty?
How do you think this situation can be avoided?
Do you think that humans are aware of this situation?
What can we do in order to protect the planet and to reduce the amount of garbage?

The objectives that students have to get are:
To be aware of the importance to otect the planet
To know the differet types of pollution

I hope you like it!


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