
Showing posts from February, 2018

Useful tool!

Hi everyone! As you know I am a teacher and I come from the future so I can tell you some useful tools in order to do teaching easier. Here, children go to school really happy and motivated because they love learning and all innovative things that we do. The students are the center of  their own learning. In my opinion, we, as teachers must teach  our students different important things that motivate them. As professionals we are aware that not all children have the same rhythm of learning, for this reason, the transmission of knowledge in a clear and visual way is very important. There are several webs to present the content in a more visual way. I have chosen Pinterest to create a content curation tool because I found it really useful and visual for me and for the children. Here you can check this tool But  you can use other tools such as : Pinterest: Symbaloo: Pearltrees: 

Taking care of the environment!

Photograph by jwvein. CC0 Creative Commons Photograph by RitaE   CC0 Creative Commons Photograph by byrev CC0 Creative Commons Hey! I have chosen this topic because people are not aware of the need to take  care of the environment. I think that for children is most important to know how to protect animals and plants instead of naming different animals or types of plants or trees. In my opinion, some years ago, people took care of the nature better than now, for this reason, I think that  is very important that students receive in their classes information about the importance of having a clean environment. I would start the class asking the students if they know what the word pollution means. After the brainstorming I would ask them different questions such as: Do you think that these images are from Spain? Why do you think these places are so dirty? How do you think this situation can be avoided? Do you think that humans are aware

Who am I?

                                                     Hello everyone! Welcome to my  classroom of the future. I come from the future and I  will tell you what we do here  very briefly. My name is Futura, I work as a teacher and  I am 150 years old, so I have lived with different generations of teachers and I have used different methodologies. I love spending my time with my students, they are so friendly and they are very motivated. Also I like listening to rock music and I am very interested in cinema, I think that culture is very important in our society, where the cinema or theatre tickets are cheaper than the tickets in 21st centruy. As I said before, I have worked with different methodologies because these ones have changed with the passing of time.  What is the methodology that we use here? We teach to our students the importance of technology in a society based on globalization, where the  development of technology has increased and has become a very