
Showing posts from May, 2018

It is coming to an end....

Hi everyone! I am here to say goodbye. Our adventure is coming to an end but before saying bye bye I want to share with you different things that I have learnt. We started the subject creating our own  learning journal.  To introduce ourselves we created an  avatar  , I created it using  Voki . It is an on line and free tool. Blogger  is a great tool. It is very easy to use and I used to write all my experiences during the course and also to give my opinion of the different tasks. To self reflect my own learning. Now people can check my progress whenever they want. After that, we added a  Creative Commons Attribution- Non-Commercial-Share Alike4.0 International License   to the blogs. We learnt also how important is to respect  copyrights and to cite and attribute and license all the images we use. It is really important and in my opinion, is one of the most important things we have to teach to students. Since that day I use images from  Pixabay  , here you can find a lot o